Thursday, May 2, 2024

Temporary post: New stuff rising. DJ workshop in Graz CANCELED


Hi guys,

once more I'll use a temporary post for stories that are more relevant to the present. I just wanted you to know that I finished this blog's first main chapter "It's not supposed to hurt" with the concluding eighth post "The love I had to give up". It's not my best post but a necessary one I had to write for myself. Anyway, I am about to rearrange the entire written chapter for a brief audiobook version that might fully differ from what you can read in this blog. In the listenable version I'll count on other content and design elements to make ideas perceivable. If you're interested in reading the mentioned chapter, make sure to check out the English-speaking hyperlink below. And if you wanna get an idea of what my audio stuff will be and sound like, stick around. I'll put a link to the teaser I'm about to record in the first post of my upcoming series "The bullshit in our skulls", once it's done.

Final post of season 1:

It's not supposed to hurt. Part 8: The love I had to give up

For those of you living in Austria, feel free to read my latest post of my German blog:

Zur Nationalratswahl 2024


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Werbung für euch in Wien und Graz

Upcoming DJ workshops in Graz and Vienna cancelled

Zuletzt hab ich euch über meine temporäre Werbung von einen kleinen Verein erzählt, der sich zum Ziel macht, leistbare Kunst und Kultur u.a. für marginalisierte Gruppen unserer Gesellschaft zu schaffen. Der Verein bekam für ein paar kleinere Projekte Förderungen der Stadt Graz zugesagt, wie etwa für einen DJ Workshop in Graz, der für diesen Herbst angedacht war. Laut meinem Ansprechpartner hat der Verein derzeit mit gravierenden rechtlichen Problemen aufgrund vergangener Ereignisse zu kämpfen. Die Projekte für die ich mich gern stark gemacht hätte – wie eben dieser DJ Workshop – sind daher leider auf Eis gelegt. Mir tut es leid, diesbezüglich keine positiven Nachrichten zu haben.


Michi Kulla 🐢

Upcoming posts:

The bullshit in our skulls. Part 1: Two prayers in advance 

In the first "season" of this blog I started telling you about my ongoing journey with heterosexual women, finally concluding that the few women I couldn't get out of my head won't define what I'll think about women in the future. In this second chapter, season or whatever, I'll talk religion and other collectivisms that kept me from being happy and self-determined. I'll start with a belief-independent prayer that you can even preach and pray together before performing a Satanic orgy...

The bullshit in our skulls. Part _: Kisses are more precious than sex

A brief story about a nice but tortured soul who reminded me of the little gifts that mitigate the pain and spend love for the moment. Definitely a sad story, but also including hope.


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